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"If university educators are serious about decolonization, they need to teach and engage with these histories. This is in fact what many teach-ins, peaceful student rallies, and other forms of active learning at UBC have sought to do since October 7," writes Dr. Hicham Safieddine.

In BC, we tax owners of vacant homes to incentivize rental, we protect tenants against unreasonable rent increases, but we do not regulate the rental price of units once a tenant has been evicted or has ended their tenancy. That’s a big problem, writes Laine Jackart.

“Lululemon’s products have a reputation for quality and comfort. However, should those properties outweigh Lululemon’s disappointing record on workers’ rights and climate action when our university chooses who to partner with?” asks Rowan Barclay.

All year, we’ve been attending governance meetings and keeping an eye on what’s going on in the AMS, Senate and Board of Governors. We’re familiar with the issues and the pressures of each position in student government. We talked to all the candidates, attended all the debates and fact-checked their claims and platforms. We’re not here to tell you who to vote for, but we will be honest about each candidates’ strengths and weaknesses.

All year, we’ve been attending governance meetings and keeping an eye on what’s going on in the governance bodies at UBC. Here's a short rundown on what we think of the referendum question on the ballot. We’re not here to tell how to vote, but we will be honest about what think about the question.

"From clubs tabling on campus to classmates sitting next to you, there are plenty of opportunities to actively seek out diverse perspectives. We need to learn how to listen for the sake of learning, not labelling," writes Eitan Feiger.

"Unlike voting for representatives, referenda allow us to be precise in our voting, ideally leading to a decision that more accurately reflects the voices of the people. But one proposed AMS referendum this year nearly stole our clear voices,” writes Marie Erikson.

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