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“The city of Copenhagen is a self-declared ‘cycle city’ where 50 per cent of rush hour traffic is cyclists, ringing their bells as they pass each other on the city’s wide and vast bike paths.”

“I won’t be answering questions about almond milk or drunken misadventures, but I still have advice for you. Not for the big things — the fights, the lovers, the grades — but for what falls between those.”

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our survival depended solely on absorbing minerals and sunlight, like plants? Unfortunately, we’re humans, and fulfilling our needs is necessary for basic survival as well as thriving in stressful environments.”

“These types of incidents are a reminder to all of us at UBC that we must actively work and speak out to eliminate hate. It is never okay to stand idly and watch another person be verbally or physically assaulted and not do something.”

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