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Guide 2022 home away from home

"Between short holidays, expensive flights and a global pandemic, I barely saw my siblings throughout my degree. Then, following my UBC graduation in May 2023, I found myself in a rocky transition back to life in my home country and these were the three people who helped me without question — with a bed, with a friendship group, with a LinkedIn connection," writes alumnus Heidi Collie.

20220923 i falsetti kingsmill forum

"Unlike voting for representatives, referenda allow us to be precise in our voting, ideally leading to a decision that more accurately reflects the voices of the people. But one proposed AMS referendum this year nearly stole our clear voices,” writes Marie Erikson.


"From clubs tabling on campus to classmates sitting next to you, there are plenty of opportunities to actively seek out diverse perspectives. We need to learn how to listen for the sake of learning, not labelling," writes Eitan Feiger.

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