The AMS exec committee is weighing the benefits and drawbacks of keeping the new Student Union Building open all hours.
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The university has decided to credit Lev Bukhman’s $125,000 donation to the Nest toward the AMS’s $68 million loan from UBC, as opposed to UBC’s contribution to the budget.
The question of where and how to go about building faculty staff housing is asked constantly at UBC. The university plans to address this in part by constructing a “living lab” housing complex in the University Boulevard area.
After partnering with HelpHub in 2014, the traffic for AMS Tutoring Services increased by 600 per cent in the first semester.
Held in the Agora of the Nest, the rally featured speakers and the opportunity for students to write letters detailing why they oppose the tuition hikes to Interim President Martha Piper as part of the AMS’s “Mail for Martha” campaign.
Health Canada is claiming that a former UBC dentist, Christopher Zed, defrauded clinics in Haida Gwaii that were intended to serve first nations patients.
The conditions include cutting $2000 from the proposed tuition fees and adjusting the benchmarking process.
“This level of involvement allows us to build the excellent research and student learning opportunities that make UBC a world leader,” said Interim President Martha Piper in a speech to the Vancouver Board of Trade while announcing the results of the campaign.
UBC has come under fire for an investigation conducted by the CBC into the university’s handling of multiple sexual assaults committed by the same PhD student, Dmitry Mordvinov.
This year, it is expected that 2,000 new licensees will take and pass the licensing exam and will then go into the workforce.
The rally will feature various speakers, sign-making as well as free food and hot drinks. Afterwards, students will be invited to the AMS’s “Mail for Martha” letter drop — where they will deliver all the letters students have either written or signed to the president’s office on the top floor of Koerner Library.
A much anticipated documentary by the CBC's fifth estate has made some startling declarations that cast an unflattering spotlight on how UBC handles sexual assault and the lack of an overarching sexual assault policy.
Around 1 p.m. this afternoon, two cars got in a fender bender just outside of the University gates.
“This happiness was targeted, young people going out on Friday night. It was us, me and my friends…. It was really hard on us that our lifestyle was targeted.”
“The idea is to do this outreach now so that students are made aware of it and see that the AMS is doing stuff related to it,” said Rosenfeld. “Then when we try and do a larger event, people will already have some awareness of what’s going on, why it matters and will be more receptive to getting involved.”