Maybe you’re a first-year student who’s starting to realize that this newfound freedom has led to you discovering your eternal love for different kinds of unhealthy food — especially pizza — and now those nice pants you got when shopping for college feel a tad tight.
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Is your Little Black Dress just little because your mom bought it for you when you were 15 and that was the last time you went shopping?
There are a ton of faculties and schools at UBC, and I have a lot of opinions about them based on my knowledge of them and first impressions.
You read that right, we now have a TikTok account. I know, I know, it's basic and obvious trend-chasing; but when has that ever hurt anybody?
Here’s what I know about November. It comes after October. It’s the 11th month of the calendar year. It’s the third month of term. And that’s about it.
The year 2019 comes with fresher news than just another transit delay, as Ono secures #40 on the Vancouver Magazine’s 2019 Power 50 List.
I talked with, by my estimate, around 40 people. Only three went to UBC and only four had actually been to the event before.
Many years down the line, people will ask about your tattoo and you can tell them stories of your time at UBC.
Now’s the time that a pint of ice cream or a family-sized bag of Tostitos would go down faster than the SSC when grades come out. While this option is valid, please consider: don’t.
The UBC archivists advised me that the beans of the western catalpa are “not edible” and also “not beans.” “Not edible as in will kill me?” I said. “Well they’re not poisonous but you shouldn’t-” and I didn't catch what they said as I had heard all that I needed and was gleefully thinking of how to prepare something with these long beans.
It’s the best way to avoid using plastic bags and show off your interests or style while doing it. That being said, tote bags can say a lot about a person, so here’s my analysis of what each tote bag means.
They call him the… the Bell Man. At 10 p.m. every night in Koerner he comes, ringing his demonic bell, and when he catches you, he–” The student’s voice broke off in a sob.
It’s Spooktober here in Raincouver and boy do I got the creeps for you all. Here’s a bunch of events you might want to check off of your bucket list this Halloween.
Spooky season is here friends, but there are some things on campus that are spooky all year long. So, in the spirit of Halloween (pun intended), here are some phenomena that occur on campus without an expiration date that I am absolutely terrified of.
The only foolproof method is to simply never leave campus.