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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ut ipsum sit amet urna tincidunt convallis. Morbi posuere turpis sed tellus imperdiet tempus. Pellentesque suscipit risus porttitor, semper risus vitae, gravida neque. In hac habitasse

“I was going to just retire and wanted to do things myself. And then I got accepted into university … I can now conduct an orchestra and not just play the piano. I can edit a video myself and not just shoot one.”

Aiken Lao is a third-year commerce student and the Design Editor of The Ubyssey. She is powered by dad jokes, donuts and Red Bull and will take bribes. Fun fact: this issue is printed with the blood and tears of Aiken and several other editors.

Kate Colenbrander is the current video editor at The Ubyssey and the woman of your dreams. If you believe you are her fiancé please e-mail If you have concerns about your vagina please call a doctor.

Arthur Lockwood is a former UBC flunk-out who is now desperately cramming a geography major into what will hopefully be his last year of schooling of any kind. To the pretty girl who came by the pizza place...

India to Canada Lua Presidio Family… whatever that means

My family is messy — we fight, we laugh and we have very heated political debates. We do not fit into what my younger self thought was the perfect family.

Joyce Chung Personal Essay Cecilia Pang CNF Family… whatever that means blank

Not seeing the faces of my friends or hearing from them in the months and years to follow would end up hurting me much more than my surgical wounds ever could.

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