NDNs at UBC//

Rekindling: Letter from the editors

When The Ubyssey approached us with the idea of a Truth and Reconciliation supplement for their late September issue, there was no hesitation when we said yes. We know that Indigenous voices are far and few in today’s media. We started writing for The Ubyssey’s Indigenous column, NDNs at UBC, in October of last year. As we took classes and wrote articles together we became close, making our partnership in the role of guest editors even stronger. In the past we have written individual pieces, as well as a collaborative zine on navigating postcolonial realities. Through this, we realized that now, more than ever, we are seeing the reemergence of Indigenous ways of life, a 'rekindling' of sorts. Thus, when we were pitched the idea of this supplement we were immediately drawn back to this idea.

Rekindling our cultures with our communities and cousins is an attempt to decolonize and bring back our old ways. With the hope of contributing to this rekindling, we assembled a guiding pitch list with a range of topics, calling for written and visual submissions from Indigenous students for this supplement. In doing this, we hope that this supplement shines light on Indigenous resistance, resilience and excellence and shows the current rekindling of Indigenous culture taking place in so-called “Canada."

Julianna Yue is Chinese and Cree-Métis, born and raised in so-called “Vancouver.” She is in her second year, pursuing a sociology major and a First Nations and Indigenous Studies minor. Her interests include social justice and diasporic representations.

Aquila Underwood is a second-year student planning to major in political science and First Nations and Indigenous Studies. She was born in Canada but raised in New Zealand and is Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Te Āti Awa and W̱SÁNEĆ.

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