Ximena Gordillo Cruz


Ximena started writing for The Ubyssey in 2022, but her passion for writing began when, as a child, her father gave her a storybook. Since then, she has been obsessed with the idea of writing and telling stories, fictional and non-fictional. When she is not reading or studying Anthropology, she can be found crocheting or dancing to Latin music at full volume in her room. You can reach her at x.cruz@ubyssey.ca.

Latest articles from Ximena Gordillo Cruz

Raina Cao - BreadOfTheDead

In my house, we celebrate the Day of the Dead on November 2 by making bread, which we call bread of the dead. We make ofrendas, of course, and even dress up as vampires and ghosts as if it were Halloween, but the bread was the main ritual.

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