Individuals who got a description of the carbon fee in their flight pricing details described as a “carbon offset on aviation fuel production and importation” consistently preferred to spend $14 on carbon fees.
This is also when we’ll be hit with the rain at max level, so you might be looking for some activities or places to check out around the city during the season for both the rainy and pretty days.
“With the objects in the Museum, once you’ve got them, stories start coming out from the object and the stories are usually about relationships."
“Approximately two billion phones are sold per year, and in 2016, the amount of e-waste in the landfills was approximately 46 million tonnes. There is a four per cent e-waste growth rate, which is highly concerning.”
Stoll and Fairbrother’s primary research surveyed young women from across eight high income countries (all OECD countries) and proposed a question to them: when they were pregnant and about to deliver, would they choose a natural delivery or non-medically required c-section?
Although written with the intention of being a humorous spoof, the somber tone and clear language of the post may fool the most observant into thinking that this is an actual policy proposal, for a brief moment of time at least.
The team developed a two-photon microscopy technique that allowed them to pinpoint the presence of cannabinoids in particular structures of the cannabis plant.
The team developed a specialized imaging technique that took advantage of glandular trichome intrinsic autofluorescence — a property of the trichomes that causes them to emit light when exposed to certain other kinds of light.