You’re racing down Main Mall on your bike, weaving in and out of the hordes of students, trying to make it to your next class on time. You might want to rethink how fast you ride. A new study looks at how air pollution and biking speed.
Organic chemistry is the worst. Or so I thought. Going into my second year, I was downright terrified of Chemistry 233, UBC’s introductory organic chemistry class. But as student of the class, I think its bark is worse than its bite.
Did you make a new year's resolution to read more? Or do you just really hate parties and want to never be invited again? Either way, here's a list of science books to have you excited about science and spouting facts no one cares about.
Those who have never been to an engineering project competition, change that. The atmosphere was exciting and nerve-wracking. Students were either making last-minute modifications to their inventions — laptops in one hand, screwdrivers in the other.
“Dadang was the loyal and trusted cook, house companion and domestic helper at mom's household when she was a kid,” said my dad. She wasn’t related to my mom, but she was basically family. She lived at my mom’s house.
The first song they played was Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” — yes, the players-only-love-you when-they’re-playing “Dreams.” If you haven’t heard Dianne Reeves’s rendition of it yet, what are you waiting for?
Addiction is a major social issue that unfortunately faces a stigma that those affected are too weak to get rid of their addiction. But what is often overlooked is that addiction is a complex disease and genetics most likely play a role in it.
Did you see the leagues of excited teenagers on campus last weekend? High school students from as far as Penticton flocked to UBC for the 39th annual UBC Physics Olympics. As you can probably imagine, it was a nerd fest.