Riya Talitha

Senior Staff Writer — Culture

Riya started writing for The Ubyssey in 2018 because her mum told her it would be a good idea and then she got completely obsessed (Thanks mum). She was the culture editor for the 2019 edition of the Ubyssey Magazine, probably because of her overly-emotional application. She writes about communities, diversity, campus activism, and occasionally reviews art. She's usually always in the Ubyssey office angsting about political science or bugging her editor with new pitches.

HASTAC 2019 is an affiliated conference that was held from May 16 to 18 on Unceded Musqueam (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm) Territory/UBC Vancouver, and it's theme was Decolonizing Technologies, Reprogramming Education.

Entrap. was the kind of student art exhibition that made me feel like I should have been wearing a black turtleneck. Its important to support UBC students — even if sometimes their work feels like a GRSJ paper come to life.

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