“I understand the appeal of a vegan pizza restaurant on-campus given that plant-based options are limited at Mercante’s and Pi R Squared. But there are still options. May I suggest Pi R Squared’s Vegan Deluxe pizza or Mercante’s Margherita pizza?”
The creation of an ad-hoc governance review committee was approved by the AMS council in order to implement recommended changes from the recent AMS governance review. The committee appointment meeting will take place on May 18.
The UBC Film Society screened two original short films at the Norm Theatre for the first time in three years. The student-made works offered laughs and artistic execution in a celebration of student creativity.
Gillian Anselmo has embraced the art community at UBC with an open heart. As commissioner of Hatch Art Gallery in the AMS Nest, her vision for the gallery was to give students opportunities to express themselves through art on campus.
The group presented a petition in April 2014 to the Senate that called for an end to the two most invasive categories of experiments on animals — categories D and E. Not until after the protests did the Senate reach out to the group.
The event is organized to raise awareness and funds for youth at risk. This year, the campaign partnered with Directions Youth Services, a resource centre which provides food, shelter and programming for at-risk youth.
I am in no place to decide what these folks should be offended about. I’m just a person who cares about political correctness and I’m here to “ruin everything” so people don’t run around being inconsiderate bigots.
Led by AUS VP Student Life Elise Manse, the CUS, LFSUS, SUS and AUS began planning Paradocks — a boat cruise party — in late January. The large scale event was made possible by the joint efforts of all four undergraduate societies.
As co-curator of Mashup, Grenville strived to provide insight on how collage has influenced the art presented at the exhibit. He warned the talk would be long because the subject of collage was so vast.
From February 9 to 10, researchers, developers, clinicians and young people gathered to consider new possibilities for mental health. Topics ranged from the creation of web-based tools for education and campus resources for youth mental health.
When the requirement was first established, students were mostly monolingual and it made sense to have it. Seeing the influx of bilingual students at UBC, some argue that there should be reconsideration for the rationale behind the requirement.