In her first column of the new year, Natalie gives advice to readers on how to keep their resolutions and make the most of 2015.
Natalie advises on how to deal with breakups without much of a break and how to deal with people who won't let you sleep.
In this week's column, Natalie advises someone who feels like they'll never be able to have a relationship.
In her latest advice column, Natalie dispenses advice on broaching the subject of Valentine's dates and how to write the perfect card.
"How do I ask my roommate if she wants to live together next year? I think we get along great, but she hasn't brought the idea up."
The Nordic skiers came home from nationals this week, bringing to an end their season and last year as a varsity team.
In this column, Natalie dispenses her sage wisdom on coping with having a newly-involved girlfriend and how to determine whether or not an outing is a date.
I immediately fell for this guy's exuberant personality but the problem is that he was an exchange student and now he is back in his country.
"I don’t have a job yet and I’m worried I’m not going to be able to get one for the summer. Help?"
"I said some things and now a few of my friends are mad at me. But the thing is I don't know how to address it."
"Dear Natalie, I think I've bitten off more than I can chew this summer."
"Dear Natalie, I feel dumb asking this, but here it goes: how do I deal with my family?"
I am not athletic. I can barely swim. But I do love nature. This is not Places to Be: Exciting Expert Adventure Hike, this is Places to Be: Step One.
I’m stuck alone in a city that I’m slowly beginning to hate because everything in my life sucks and I’m alone. Any advice?
Pick a place that is as free of light pollution as possible, as far from the city lights as possible, which can be difficult in Vancouver.