Ski patrol attendants rushed towards her and brought her to the emergency room, where she was diagnosed with three spinal compression fractures. Three of her vertebrae had collapsed.
Now that nobody is running for this, it’s worth thinking about who should give it a shot. Here are some of our recommendations for who should try running for VPAUA.
After an AMS review concluded that the IFC was in violation of multiple AMS bylaws and policies, the council voted to remove its club status and replace it with a memorandum of understanding.
UBC releases an annual enrolment report each year that provides demographic details about the people who apply to the university and the students it admits. This data includes admission rates, demographic details, retention rates and other interesting tidbits.
He’s campaigning on divestment, Indigenous engagement and expanding access to Open Educational Resources (OERs) to offset the cost of textbooks.
On issues such at the fall reading break, he expressed frustration at the Senate’s sluggish pace.
His platform revolves around installing classroom recording technology, improving classroom scheduling, unifying student senators and improving Senate consultation.
At its February 6 meeting, AMS Council approved a referendum question to expand the Sexual Assault Support Fund (SASF) fee from $3.65 to $9.30. It also voted to endorse the fee increase.
Of the six students enrolled in UBC’s Masters of Philosophy program, only one is female.
On February 4, “The Time Is Now: Stand with Unist'ot'en” event will raise fund for the Wet’suwet’en legal defence fund. The event is organized by the First Nations Studies Student Association (FNSSA) and receives support from the Indigenous Students Association and the Indigenous Law Students Association.
The Sexual Assault Support Fund (SASF) currently charges students $3.65 per year, but increased operational costs within SASC have pushed it over budget for the past two academic years. Pending approval from AMS Council, the referendum question would raise the fee somewhere between $8.50 and $9.50.
This year, it will be featuring food writer Michael Pollan, #MeToo movement founder Tarana Burke, best-selling author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and relationships scholar Helen Fisher.
Held in the UBC Life Sciences building, the citizenship ceremony was a joint event between UBC, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada and the Institute for Canadian Citizenship (ICC), a non-profit organization that organizes programs to encourage active citizenship.
“In three years, we could solve this housing crisis for everybody at UBC,” Condon said. “We don’t need to wait 20 years for that subway.”
Tomorrow at 4:20 p.m. (nice), the UBC Hempology 101 club is hosting a “Legalization Celeblazion” in front of the AMS Nest to celebrate this change in Canada’s cannabis laws.