Here’s an experiment you can try at home: gather some friends, Google “most adorable puppies ever,” and see how long it takes for even the most hard-boiled among them to let out an involuntary “awww.” Dogs work magic, end of story.
A new diagnostic test developed by a team of researchers including UBC professor of Microbiology and Immunology Bob Hancock, promises to dramatically reduce the speed and increase the accuracy of sepsis diagnoses.
How would you like having to get up too early to go wait for a job you feel like you aren’t getting paid enough to do? For most of us a prospect like that doesn’t sound terribly appealing, but for construction workers it's reality.
From delivering packages for Amazon to being mounted with a chainsaw, drones have been put to some creative uses. One UBC researcher has been using them for a slightly more scholarly purpose — studying bowhead whales in the Canadian Arctic.
An anthropologist, a climate scientist and a geographer all walk in to NASA… While that may sound like the set-up to a bad joke, that kind of interdisciplinary work gave rise to a new NASA-funded research project involving two UBC researchers.
For those of us who have had the privilege to grow up in a country like Canada, the extensive healthcare system we have access to is easy to take for granted. But for many in developing nations, such life-altering resources remain out of reach.
A group of UBC researchers, led by PhD student Mirza Saquib Sarwar and assisted by UBC professor of applied science Dr. John Madden, are pushing the boundaries of touchscreen technology by building flexible touchscreen sensors.
Fish mean many things to many different people throughout BC. To the many coastal First Nations peoples, they are an important source of subsistence and an integral element of culture. For the Haida Nation of Haida Gwaii, herring reign supreme.
As a result of emailing a prof out of the blue, Raison went on to spend a year doing a directed study course with now-retired psychology professor Dr. Don Dutton, during which she conducted a literature review of articles concerning intimate partner violence.
According to Chanpreet Mangat, a fourth-year biology student and club president, there are three main pillars of Women in Science’s approach: mentorship, community and connection.
The Haas Lab at UBC utilizes a number of undergraduate volunteers, among whom is second year biochemistry student Lasya Vankayala, who works on purifying DNA samples to prepare for further study.
Code the Change UBC aims to provide students with the opportunity to apply their computer science skills by working on projects that benefit the greater Vancouver community.
Third-year economics and math student Alberto Cevallos and a group of primarily arts students found themselves facing a challenge last winter; they had ideas about innovative ways to harness emerging technologies but lacked some of the technical expertise and support they needed to develop them.
While there are no specific requirements stipulating how to format the lay abstracts, Porter is adamant that they should not “dumb down” complicated research, but rather, make it more easily accessible to those without a technical background.
Incorporated as a club in 2015, UBC BIOMOD focuses its work every year on the annual BIOMOD competition in San Francisco, which brings together undergraduate design teams from around the world to showcase their biomolecular design projects.