Henry Anderson

2019/20 Web News Editor

Henry has been writing for The Ubyssey since 2017 and was elected Web News Editor on the 2019/2020 editorial. A fourth-year philosophy major, he'll report on just about anything, but dreams of peeling back the layers of inscrutable bureaucracies everywhere.

This will be Malone and Holmes’s fourth and second year on the Board respectively. In their platforms and debates, they displayed institutional knowledge that comes from having worked inside UBC for several years.

One of the older campers happens to have the same name as me, and we develop a ritual. Every time I see him, I reach out to shake his hand, stifle a giggle and say, Hi Henry, said Henry, to Henry, from Henry!

Having served as the AMS VP academic and university affairs from 2017 to 2019 and a long-term student senator, Holmes is also running for re-election on the Senate, where he hopes he can champion cross-collaboration.

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