“We try to focus on students who love mathematics and who should be thinking of pursuing a university career but are not necessarily doing so right now,” said Pramanik.
“It’s unclear what this organism could be doing with these genes. It’s definitely something new and unusual,” said Kwong.
“Hopefully this could be [used] in addition to other preventative strategies, so this could buy the brain some time for the surgeon to unblock the vessel or administer other drugs,” said Freitas-Andrade.
“No woman wants to be hired just because she’s a woman. Merit always comes first, and I think that’s an important message when it comes to these topics. Everyone wants to be hired because they’re the right individual for the job,” said Wilkes.
“In some ways, they’re probably more exciting as mysteries than they will be once they're solved.”
“With trees, it’s really easy to get a ruler and measure out the tree rings, but there’s no trees in the high arctic – it’s too hostile of an environment,” she said.
“Enjoy the summer as best as you can because it is going to be an ongoing problem for years to come,” said Zeglinski.
A recent study conducted by researchers from UBC and McGill suggests that Vancouver is one of the unhappiest cities in Canada.
Through a large scale study conducted on over 25 species of hummingbirds across different countries, the Altshuler lab was able to provide an in depth definition of manoeuvrability and how to quantify it — a task that had previously been answered more qualitatively than quantitatively.
Around a decade ago, URO started out as a peer program for science students, but today it is an AMS club for students from all faculties across campus and beyond.
UBC professors agree: despite all the good that the Nobel Prize does for the scientific community, the high degree of sexism, racism and homophobia reflected in the history of the chosen Nobel Laureates — whether subconscious or intentional — can no longer go unchecked.
On October 13, UBCC350 in collaboration with Students for the Salish Sea, UBC Social Justice Center, Common Energy, AMS Sustainability, The Environmental Policies Association, The Environmental Law Group, and Sprouts hosted a fundraiser for the Pull Together Organization at the Seedlings Cafe.
“As I flip through the pages, a lot of the photos that were chosen were group shots of VOC members - young people smiling, being outside and being together."
The trade-off of short term economic benefit and long term ecological risk creates a dilemma for the provincial government in deciding how to regulate salvage logging and is at the heart of a nationwide debate. UBC's Andison opines that the ecological impacts should be taken more seriously when deciding how to proceed.
It’s that time of year again, when UBC Recreation offers a wide array of free classes that cause even the most unathletic students to consider getting their 60 minutes worth of daily physical exercise.