On November 22, UBC spent the day welcoming its new president, Dr. Santa Ono. After an installation ceremony and celebration concert, Santa hosted a forum of four talks centred on the theme of discovery.
It’s the leading known cause of preventable developmental disability in Canada and affects between five per cent of North American children. FASD is a range of physical, cognitive and behavioural deficits that result from prenatal drinking.
The Calendar, in collaboration with UBC’s Arts and Culture district, hosted its first Arts and Culture night, an evening dedicated to celebrating student expression. Performing for over 300 attendees were members of BVP, UBC Slam and UBC Improv.
UBC's Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica clinics are global leaders in innovative research and brings a diverse, multidisciplinary team together with patients in an effort to redefine MS research and treatment and it’s paying off.
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