“There’s no way that’s actually zombie flesh,” he points out. “Zombies don’t even exist! They’re clearly trying to explain away some serious food safety violations. I’d sue myself if Allard Law would let me in this year.”
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Know your limit, play within it
Science is getting way too good, and we need to do something about it.
This is NOT a joke! The water is blue. Fucking blue!
Here is a list of the most niche, most out there, most individual and not-like-other-girls clubs in the whole school because everyone deserves to have mandatory weekly-meeting-induced friendships.
I, a person who suffers from shortness of breath after climbing one flight of stairs, have somehow become a Homecoming football player.
This is not the most embarrassing leak from UBC this month because no personal information was spread, something UBC IT is calling “a major win.”
I rolled a number for each sign and interpreted the numbers to keep myself from falling asleep on the R4.
This year, in the spirit of cooperation, all teams will be eliminated, and every participant will be placed in one extremely long boat.
She knew — nay, she felt it in her soul, her bones, the dust mites in her squeaky Walter Gage mattress — she deserved someone positively, truly exceptional.
When no one more qualified will do it for you, you do it yourself.
You need fun, you need excitement and you need to make bad decisions that you’ll regret in 30 years.
I have blister band-aids in my first-aid kit. I actually charge my portable charger. I carry Tums in my purse, babe.
Every location at UBC was mapped in my head… in relation to Blue Chip.
Slick black hair, plaid-clad, anime style glasses — they were exactly my type.