On November 20, UBC’s Board of Governors’ Finance Committee voted to increase UBC’s acceptance deposit for prospective international undergraduate students from $1,000 to $3,000.
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Last night, AMS councillors met for the first time this year to discuss creating a VP Student Life and heard updates from the services interim report.
Last night, the Senate met to discuss the UBC Strategic Plan refresh, the annual report on review of academic units and to approve various motions.
Renee Hui is running for AMS VP academic and university affairs on a platform based on affordability, engagement and ensuring student voices are heard.
Zarifa Nawar is running for AMS VP academic and university affairs on a platform that advocates for increased affordability, accessibility and equity.
Joe Vu is running to be your next VP academic and university affairs on a platform of affordability and engagement.
At the VP academic and university affairs (AUA) debate last night, the three candidates discussed affordability tactics and spoke to their differing levels of experience.
It can be hard to hear or understand everything said, but that's why The Ubyssey has a team dedicated to fact-checking all the big claims candidates make during debates.
Students are currently unable to vote in the AMS VP academic and university affairs by-election. The period for voting began at 12 a.m. on January 21 and had been slotted to run until January 24 at 8 p.m.
Last night, AMS Council met for a short meeting to pass several code changes related to the AMS Elections Committee and having electronic devices during private in-camera session.
Zarifa Nawar is your new VP academic and university affairs (AUA).
The AMS released the 2024/25 interim student services report, which shows increase usage of nearly all services.
Both AMS VP Finance Fung-Quon and VP External Ayesha Irfan Gavin resigned from their positions effective immediately as of 6 p.m. and 6:07 p.m. respectively, on February 5.
Citing a need for qualified HR mediation and better pay, members of the AMS Food and Beverage Department have filed to unionize every employee in the department.
On January 29, UBC’s Board of Governors (BoG) gathered to hear an update on the progress of UBC’s strategic plan refresh.