When I was a kid and we would visit Nana Chestney, it always meant the Natural History Museum — the greatest in the worst — and a whole hell of a lot of British candy. Being above the legal drinking age, this trip meant pints and a whole hell of a lot of British candy (I would kill and die for Colin the Caterpillar).
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“All you see are these big entrance awards or these other big scholarships where you need like a 90 per cent average in order to qualify,” said Guy, a recent graduate of the UBC Sauder School of Business. “Those are the ones that are marketed and that everyone sees.”
Viruses have gained the power to steer democracy and target institutions, including universities, with an abundance of sensitive and valuable information.
Holmes will officially take office on Wednesday, September 27, when he will start working on an ambitious platform that includes some of the previous priorities of former VPAUA Daniel Lam.
A mechanical engineer by training who spent much of the last three decades in the University of California system, Szeri has already worn many administrative hats.
Samantha Schumacher has always wanted to be a writer. The newly-elected president of Her Campus, Schumacher aims to make the UBC chapter of the women-centric media platform bigger and better as it strives to give women across the country a voice.
Coming back to Terrace after eight months in Vancouver is a vaguely disconcerting experience, but it’s made easier by this group of people that help me trace the connection between who I am in my hometown and who I am in the city.
Of the 194 residence advisors living in residence this upcoming school year, fewer than half are returning. The Ubyssey spoke to ten RAs to find out why so many students — who go into the position with such good intentions — do not come back.
Murphy is looking ahead to shape the office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation into a central resource hub for researchers and innovators at UBC — a task not unlike her own research interests.
“There’s never no interest in food, because everyone loves food.” said Kwok, while noting that the two fielded dozens of applications to write, photograph and edit in their first round of recruitment last year.
“We’re trying to break down the wall between the ivory tower and the broader political community and to recognize that there is a role for thinking about politics as a practice — not just as theory,” said Cameron.
“There’s a depth of research at Canadian universities, but often the challenge is ‘how does that research then get presented in a way that is accessible to the public?,’” he said. “And that’s what journalists are very good at.”
Clubs don’t simply ask students for their money in the name of charity — they’ll sell things, organize gigantic parties, put themselves through challenges or even chop off their hair in their efforts to tackle worldwide issues.
From small class sizes in major requirements to non-restricted seats in required classes going to students taking them as electives, course registration is rarely a picnic for students on a tight graduation deadline.
Knott received the Gold Medal Student Award for her work towards making engineering more inclusive and diverse. The award, considered the highest national award in the profession, is handed out by Engineers Canada.